We've only taken the first step on this journey - and that was to be approved by the adoption facilitator in Haiti, an organization called Children of the Promise. The next step will be the home study - which will take a few months due to the mountain of paperwork we'll have trudge through. Then, papers will be notarized, authenticated and finally sent off to Haiti; where we hope to adopt a baby girl.
So, "why adopt?", you ask. And "why from Haiti?" The simplest answer I can give you is that it is a calling. I know this is something God wants us to do. It is a mission. It is a responsibility. God has blessed my family so richly - freedom, education, jobs, house, food, family, friends, and the list goes on. We have to share these blessings.
Adoption was something I always knew we would do. But I never had a specific place in mind. Then a friend (you know who you are, Jerica) was talking to me about her mission trip to Haiti. That perked my interest. There is a great need there, and very little is being done to help. And as it turns out, Haiti is one of the less expensive (relatively speaking) places to adopt from.
So there you have it. I could go on, but you get the gist.
I imagine I'll have other things to post too. I do have those two adorable little boys, that from time to time say and do things that I think are hilarious - so I'll probably force that on you as well. And what's a blog with out pictures. Here's one just because.