Sunday, April 10, 2011

Party of 5

We've been home for 4 days now, and things are starting to feel normal again.  Wren is doing great!  Better than we expected.  While we were in Ethiopia, she was sad, confused and generally unhappy.  She spent most of the time in my lap or crying and fussing.  But since we've been home she has been smiling, laughing and generally happy.  She loves to play.   She LOVES her brothers.  She has been getting plenty of attention from them and the grandparents.   I am happy to report that I am still her favorite, though.  I am her primary caregiver;  the one who feeds her, changes her and puts her to sleep.  Which, by the way, she is a great sleeper.  I guess I have the transition home to thank for that.  They kept the kids on a pretty regular schedule, which included 11 hours of sleep a night.   Score!
She's has learned so much and has been picking up words so fast.   Mama, daddy, up, down, more, eat, Joey, out.  She is a smart cookie.  It has truly been amazing to see how well she fits into our family.  Of course, my optimism is cautious.  I know that we may just be in the honeymoon phase.  There is always the chance and likely hood of regression. But for now, we are happy.  She is happy.  All is well.  Thank you God.  :)


Unknown said...

Praise God! Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking that Wren is going to want to see where her parents met and fell in love very soon (hint, hint).

P.S. And Hey- why is there no Beth Life on your blog roll? tsk. tsk. ;)


Kendra said...

Can't help but to smile at this news!